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    Collemaan, Timothy.
    "Caused motion"? The semantics of the English to-dative and the Duth aan-dative [Текст] / T. Collemaan // Cognitive Lnguistics. - 2009. - Том 20, N 1. - С. 5-42 . - ISSN 0936-5907
ББК 81
Рубрики: Cognitive linguistics
Кл.слова (ненормированные):
Аннотация: Both English and Dutch feature a variety of verbs of possesional transfer which display the phenomenon of dative alternation. They can either be used in a double objet construction with unmarked NP theme and recipient objects or in a so-called "prepositional dative" construction in which only the theme is encoded as a bare NP object and the recipient is marked by a preposition. Within this context of dative alternation, this study zooms in on the English prepositional dative construction with aan(cognate with English on,German an). Existing analyses of these construction hold widely different viws on the semantic import of the prepositions used: some authors take the preposition to bring an element of ' caused motion' to the semantics of the construction, while others treat it as a grammaticalized marker of the recipient function. Whe shall argue for an intermediate position: while the construction with to and aan are not limited to events which involve a actual spatial transfer but cover a wide variety of' caused possesion' events, they are nevetheless subject to a number of containts which can be traced back to the spatial semantics of English to and Dutch aan.These semantic contraints will be illustrated by means of corpus-based observations on the behaviour of a number of English and Dutch verbs in the resoective dative alternations.

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    Huumo, Tuomas.
    Fictive dynamicity, nominal aspect, and the Finnish copulative construction [Текст] / T. Huumo // Cognitive Lnguistics. - 2009. - Том 20, N 1. - С. 43-70 . - ISSN 0936-5907
ББК 81
Рубрики: Cognitive linguistics
Кл.слова (ненормированные):
nominal aspect -- predicate nominal -- Finnish
Аннотация: The article presents a cognitive linguistic study of fictive dynamicity, nominal aspect and the case marking of the predicate adjective(PA) in Finnish copulative clauses. The term 'fictive dynamicity' refers to the dynamic consrual of a static situation, a classic example being fictive motion as illustrated by 'The highway goes from Tartu to Tallinn', where a static situation is referred to by a motion verb and directional locative adpositions. The term 'nominal aspect' refers to the aspectual meaning of the sentence that is based on an incremental participation of a nominal referent. For instance in She was mowing the lawn the activity proceeds gradually along the referent of the object and reaches its endpoint when the whole referent has been affected. In the Finnish copulative construction, fictive dynamicity manifests itself as incremental scanning of the subject referent and as distributivee attribution of a quality(indicated by the PA) to its components. The received view in Finnish linguistics assumes that the PA is in the nominative if the subject is a singular count noun, and in the partitive if the subject is a mass noun or a plural. Semantically, the nominative PA attributes a quality to the referent of the subject holistically, whereas the partitive attributes it in a distributive meaning often gives rise to the incremental conceptualization of the subject and results in dynamic nominal aspect. The data discussed consist of copulative clauses with different kinds of subjects(mass, count, plural). The article also includes a comparison between the PA and other relevant uses of the partitive case, including objects and existential subjects. Special attention is paid to copulative clauses with an action noun subject and the complicated interaction of the verbal and nominal features of the action noun in the aspectual meaning of the sentence.

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    Goldberg, Adele E..
    The nature of generalization in language [Текст] / A.E. Goldberg // Cognitive Lnguistics. - 2009. - Том 20, N 1. - С. 93-127 . - ISSN 0936-5907
ББК 81
Рубрики: Cognitive linguistics
Кл.слова (ненормированные):
constructionist approach -- categorization -- statistical preemption -- category induction -- linking rules -- argument omission -- argument realization
Аннотация: This paper provides a concise overview of Constructions at Work(Goldberg 2006). The book aims toinvestigate the relevant levels of generalization in adult language, how and why generalizations are learned by children, and how to account for cross-linguistic generalizations.

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    Taub, Sarah.
    The role of gesture in crossmodal typological studies [Текст] / S. Taub // Cognitive Lnguistics. - 2009. - Том 20, N 1. - С. 71-92 . - ISSN 0936-5907
ББК 81
Рубрики: Cognitive linguistics
Кл.слова (ненормированные):
gesture -- spatial mapping -- crossmodal -- crosslinguistic -- typology -- ASL
Аннотация: Comparaisons between spoken and sign languages have always been difficult to make, given the linear nature of spoken language grammar versus the spatial, three-dimensional nature of sign language. A better understanding of the role that spatially expressed information plays in shaping the information structure of both spoken and sign languages holds the promis of providing an additional tool to better assess typological differences crosslinguistically and crossmodally. We analyze the use of spatial mapping in the expression of motion events in the narratives of English, Spanish, and ASL, which have been categorized as typologically different in how they express certain kinds of information lexically, syntactically, and in discourse structure. We examine whether the observed differences will remain constant or whether they will disappear once the contribution of spatial mapping to their information structure is considered.

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    Bod, Rens.
    Constructions at work or at rest? [Текст] / R. Bod // Cognitive Lnguistics. - 2009. - Том 20, N 1. - С. 129-134 . - ISSN 0936-5907
ББК 81
Рубрики: Cognitive linguistics
Кл.слова (ненормированные):
computational linguistics -- data-oriented parsing -- probablistic linguistics -- language acquisition -- language processing
Аннотация: We question whether Adele Goldberg fulfills her self-declared goal in " Construction at Work",i.e. to develop a usage-based theory that " can produce an open-ended number of novel utterances based on a finite amount of input". We point out converging trends in computational linguistics that suggest formalizations of Construction Grammar. In particular, we go into recent developments in Data-Oriented Parsing, such as U-DOP, that produce an unlimited number of new utterances based on a finite number of stored form-meaning pairs.

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    Borsley, Robert D..
    On Subject-Auxiliary Inversion and the notion "purely formal generalization" [Текст] / R. D. Borsley // Cognitive Lnguistics. - 2009. - Том 20, N 1. - С. 135-143 . - ISSN 0936-5907
ББК 81
Рубрики: Cognitive linguistics
Кл.слова (ненормированные):
auxiliary -- formal generalization -- polarity -- Subject-Auxiliary Inversion
Аннотация: English Subject-Auxiliary Inversion(SAI) has been considered by many linguists to be a prime example of formal generalization that does not allow a characterization in functional or semantic terms. However, Adele Goldberg's target article argues that the internal syntactic form of SAI can indeed by characterized in such terms. We provide a considerable amount of evidence that Goldberg is unsuccessful in her attempt to mount a counter-challenge to the idea that SAI represents a significant purely formal generalization in the grammar of English.

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    Crain, Stephen.
    The case of the missing generalizations [Текст] / S. Crain // Cognitive Lnguistics. - 2009. - Том 20, N 1. - С. 145-155 . - ISSN 0936-5907
ББК 81
Рубрики: Cognitive linguistics
Кл.слова (ненормированные):
language acquisition -- innateness -- semantics -- first order logic
Аннотация: This review discusses several kinds of linguistic generalizations that pose a challenge for the constructionist approach to linguistic generalizations advocated by Adele Goldberg. It is difficult to see, for example, how such an account can explain the wide-ranging linguistic phenomena governed by structural properties, such as c-command, or semantic properties, such as downward entailment. We also argue againtst Goldberg's rejection of formal semantics in favour of an account of meaning based primarily on information structure and discourse function.

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    Croft, William.
    Constructions and generalizations [Текст] / W. Croft // Cognitive Lnguistics. - 2009. - Том 20, N 1. - С. 157-165 . - ISSN 0936-5907
ББК 81
Рубрики: Cognitive linguistics
Кл.слова (ненормированные):
constructions -- argument structure -- island constraints -- Subject-Auxiliary Inversion
Аннотация: Goldberg's Constructions at work makes an important contribution to the understanding of syntax by developing analyses for specific grammatical constructions from a usage-based constructional perspective and critically comparing generative analyses to them. It is argued here that some of the analyses that Goldberg offers may still be problematic( although they are superior to the generative alternatives), and in other cases, Goldberg can strengthen her defense of constructional analyses by offering a sharper critique of the generative alternatives.

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    Langacker, Ronald W..
    Cognitive (Construction) Grammar [Текст] / R. W. Langacker // Cognitive Lnguistics. - 2009. - Том 20, N 1. - С. 167-176 . - ISSN 0936-5907
ББК 81
Рубрики: Cognitive linguistics
Кл.слова (ненормированные):
Cognitive Grammar -- categorization -- construction -- grammatical category -- verb meaning
Аннотация: Goldberg overstates the differences between Cognitive Grammar and Cognitive Construction Grammar. The former does not claim that a clause invariably inherits its profile from the verb; it has merely been suggested that the latter's preference for monosemy may have been pushed too far. The matter can only be addressed given a specific definition of what is meant in saying that a verb "has" a certain sense. Also, the schematic meanings proposed in Cognitive Grammar for basic grammatical notions do not imply a "reductionist" or "essentialist" view based on classical categorization. Instead they complement the characterization of these notions as " metageneralizations over construction-specific categories", which otherwise begs the question of why the distributional patterns supporting such generalizations should be observed in the first place.

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    Lidz, Jeffrey.
    Constructions on holiday [Текст] / J. Lidz // Cognitive Lnguistics. - 2009. - Том 20, N 1. - С. 177-189 . - ISSN 0936-5907
ББК 81
Рубрики: Cognitive linguistics
Кл.слова (ненормированные):
CONSTRUCTION GRAMMAR -- Generative Linguistics -- nativism
Аннотация: Constructions at Work provides many new empirical observations and sound criticisms of other work. These fail, however, to support Goldberg's two main arguments. They do not undermine the need for innate linguistic structure; nor do they decide for Construction Grammar in particular.

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    Lieven, Elena.
    Developing constructions [Текст] / E. Lieven // Cognitive Lnguistics. - 2009. - Том 20, N 1. - С. 191-199 . - ISSN 0936-5907
ББК 81
Рубрики: Cognitive linguistics
Кл.слова (ненормированные):
language acquisition -- usage-based approaches -- psycholinguistics
Аннотация: In commenting on Goldberg's article and book(Goldberg 2006), I concentrate on three points: (1) the importance of general learning mechanisms for language acquisition; (2) the relationship between form and function in learning and in the adult system; and(3) the combination of constructions.

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    Goldberg, Adele E..
    Constructions work [Текст] / A. E. Goldberg // Cognitive Lnguistics. - 2009. - Том 20, N 1. - С. 201-224 . - ISSN 0936-5907
ББК 81
Рубрики: Cognitive linguistics
Кл.слова (ненормированные):
constructionist approach -- argument structure constructions -- learning -- island contraints -- subject auxiliary inversion -- argument realization -- universal grammar hypothesis
Аннотация: This paper provides responses to the points raised in this volume in an effort to evaluate, clarify and extend some of the arguments in Constructions at Work.

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    Evans, Vyvyan.
    Figurative language understanding in LCCM theory [Текст] / V. Evans // Cognitive Lnguistics. - 2010. - Том 21, N 4. - С. 601-662 . - ISSN 0936-5907
ББК 81
Рубрики: Cognitive linguistics
Кл.слова (ненормированные):
LCCM Theory -- linguistic metaphor -- conceptual metaphor -- metonymy -- frontstage cognition -- backstage cognition -- meaning construction -- Conceptual Metaphor Theory -- conceptual blending theory -- Cognitive Grammar
Аннотация: While cognitive linguists have been successful at providing accounts of the stable knowledge structures(conceptual metaphors) that give rise to figurative language, and the conceptual mechanisms that manipulate these knowledge structures(conceptual blending), relatively less effort has been thus far devoted to the nature of the linguistic involted in figurative language understanding.This paper presents a theoretical account of figurative language understandung,examining metaphor and metonymy in particular. This account is situated within the Theory of Lexical Concepts and Cognitive Models(LCCM Theory). LCCM Theory(Evans 2006, 2009b) is a cognitively realistic model of lexical representation and semantic compositionality, providing, it is argued, an account of figurative language which complements the "backstage" cognition perspective of Conceptual Blending Theory. It also integrates the notion of conceptual metaphor within the account provided of figurative language understanding. The paper introduces the key mechanisms involved in figurative language understaning arising from language use. The paper also provides a programmatic account of how conceptual metaphors are integrated with linguistic knoledge in figurative language use. It is argued the present proposals flesh out a key aspect of the conceptual integration perspective promoted by Fauconnier and Turner, with which LCCM Theory is continuous. In part, the paper attempts to advance the prospect of a 'joined up" cognitive linguistic account of figurative language understanding.

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    Nesset, Tore.
    Paradigm structure: evidence from Russian suffix shift [Текст] / T. Nesset // Cognitive Lnguistics. - 2010. - Том 21, N 4. - С. 699-725 . - ISSN 0936-5907
ББК 81
Рубрики: Cognitive linguistics
Кл.слова (ненормированные):
radial category -- prototypicality -- paradigm -- language change -- Russian
Аннотация: In this article we apply one of the key concepts in cognitive linguistics, the radial category, to inflectional morphology. We advance the Paradigm Structure Hypothesis, arguing that inflectional paradigms are radial categories with internal structure primaly motivated by semantic relationships of markedness and prototypicality. It is possible to construct an expected structure for a verbal paradigm, facilitating an empirical test for our hypothesis. Data trackting an on-going morphological change in Russian documents the distribution of consrrvative vs. innovative forms across the cells of the verbal paradigm. A logistic regression model that takes into account the sources of variation (the frequencies of individual verbs and paradigm slots, and individual verb preferences) shows that the language change is implemented differently across the paradigm forms, confirming the expected structure. In addition to markedness and prototypicality, we investigate the impact of frequency and show that there is a good, albeit not perfect match between the expected hierarchy and frequency. We conclude that diachronic change analyzed in this article gives evidence for the structure of paradigms modeled on the radial category.

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    Gibbs, Raymond.
    Adaptive cognition without massive modularity [Текст] / R. Gibbs // Language and Cognition. - 2010. - Том 2, N 2. - С. 149-176 . - ISSN 1866-9808
ББК 81
Рубрики: Cognitive linguistics
Кл.слова (ненормированные):
adapttive cognition -- massive modularity -- relevance theory -- evolutionary psychology -- psycholinguistics
Аннотация: Massive modularity theory has replaced classic, Fodoration modularity as a major focus of research within cognitive science. The massive modularity thesis posits that there are a large number of knowledge and action stories, designed in a piecemeal fashion over evolutionary time to solve specific, adaptive problems. We criticize massive modularity as a general theory of human cognition, with particular attention to the issue of context-sensitive perception, thought, and language. First, the experimental methods used to uncover individual modules are notoriously inadequate and fail to meet reasonable standards by which modules are presumably defined, may be impossible to discover given the context-embedded nature of human perfomance. Third, catalogues of experimental effects that are assumed to demonstrate the presence of modules do not constitute a comprehensive theory of the acknowledged interaction of brain, and world in ordinary cognition. An alternative conception of cognitive performance, based on principles of self0organization, better explains the embedded, context-sensitive mechanisms of adaptive cognition.

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    Goldin-Meadow, Susan.
    When gesture does and does not promote learning [Текст] / S. Goldin-Meadow // Language and Cognition. - 2010. - Том 2, N 1. - С. 1-19 . - ISSN 1866-9808
ББК 81
Рубрики: Cognitive linguistics
Кл.слова (ненормированные):
gesture -- learning -- conservation -- experts -- novices
Аннотация: Speackers move theire hands when they talk- they gesture. These gestures can signal whether the speaker is ready to learn a particular task and, in this sens, provide a window onto the speaker's knowledge. But gesture can do more than reflect knowledge. it can play a role in changing knowledge in at least two ways: indirectly through its effects on the leaner's cognition. Gesturing is, however,not limited to learners. Speackers who are proficient in a task also gesture. Their gestures have a different relation to speech than the gestures that novices produce, and seem to support cognition rather than change it. Gesturing can thus serve as a tool for thinking and for learning.

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    Mandler, Jean M..
    The spatial foundations of the conceptual system [Текст] / J. M. Mandler // Language and Cognition. - 2010. - Том 2, N 1. - С. 21-44 . - ISSN 1866-9808
ББК 81
Рубрики: Cognitive linguistics
Кл.слова (ненормированные):
conceptual primitives -- spatial representation -- image-schemas -- infants
Аннотация: This article proposes that the representation of concepts in infancy is in the form of spatial image-schemas. A mechanism that simplifies spatial information is described along with a small set of spatial primitives that are sufficient to account for the conceptualizations that preverbal infants use to interpret objects and events. This early system is important to understand because it organizes the adult conceptual system of objects and events and remains its core. With developement, the system becomes enriched by language in severl ways, and also by means of analogical extension to nonspatial information. Nonspatial bodily information, such as feelings of force and motor activity, is also added, but except for its spatial aspects is represented in a more inchoate and accessible fashion.

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    Gurevich, Olga.
    Incidental verbatim memory for language [Текст] / O. Gurevich // Language and Cognition. - 2010. - Том 2, N 1. - С. 45-78 . - ISSN 1866-9808
ББК 81
Рубрики: Cognitive linguistics
Кл.слова (ненормированные):
verbatim memory -- recognition -- recall -- implicit recall -- usage-based model
Аннотация: It is widely believede that explicit verbatim memory for language is virtually nonexistent exept in certain circumstances, for example if participants are warned they are to receive a memory test, if the language is "inreactive" (emotion-laden), or if the texts are exceedingly short and memory is tested immediately. The present experiments revisit the question of verbatim memory for language and demonstrate that participants do reliably recognize and recall full sentences that they are exposed to only once at above chance rates (Experiments 1 and 3). The texts are 300 words long, non-interactive, and no advanced warning of a memory test is given. Verbatim memory is demonstrated even when lexical content and memory for gist are controlled for (Experiments 2 and 4). The most striking finding is one of incidental recall: even after a six-day delay, participants reliably reproduce sentences they have before when asked to describe scenes. even though they are not asked to recall what they had heard (Experiment 5).

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    Chatterjee, Anjan.
    Disembodying cognition [Текст] / A. Chatterjee // Language and Cognition. - 2010. - Том 2, N 1. - С. 79-116 . - ISSN 1866-9808
ББК 81
Рубрики: Cognitive linguistics
Кл.слова (ненормированные):
embodied cognition -- grounded cognition -- mirror neurons -- language

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    Heine, Bernd.
    On the genesis of personal pronouns: some conceptual sources [Текст] / B. Heine // Language and Cognition. - 2010. - Том 2, N 1. - С. 117-147 . - ISSN 1866-9808
ББК 81
Рубрики: Cognitive linguistics
Кл.слова (ненормированные):
grammaticalization -- personal pronoun -- pluralization -- shift in deixis -- spatial deixis
Аннотация: Personal pronouns belong to the conservative parts of grammar; that is, they are diachronically fairly stable, as suggested by the fact that in many cases they can be traced back etymologically to or even beyond the earliest stages of reconstructible language history. This is why so far not much progress has been made in unraveling the genesis of personal pronouns: the number of cases where it has been possible to determine their origin is severely limited. Still, some data do exist and allow for the reconstruction of some major lines of grammaical evolution. This evolution is the product of a handful of crosslinguistically fairly uniform cognitive and communicative strategies.

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