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    Cigdem Saydam Eker
    Petrography and geochemistry of Eocene sandstones from eastern Pontides (NE Turkey): implications for source area weathering, provenance and tectonic setting [Text] / Cigdem Saydam Eker // Геохимия. - 2012. - № 8. - С. 764-783 : ил. - Библиогр.: с. 781-783 (65 назв.) . - ISSN 0016-7525
ББК 26.301
Рубрики: Геология
   Геохимия--Турция--Восточные Понтиды

Кл.слова (ненормированные):
петрография -- эоцен -- песчаники -- происхождение песчаников -- окружающая среда -- субаэральные выветривания -- выветривание -- геохимические особенности -- петрографические особенности -- обломочные породы -- минералогические компоненты -- химический индекс изменения -- химический индекс выветривания -- цирконий -- гафний -- торий -- скандий -- лантан -- европий -- тектоническая обстановка
Аннотация: Subaerial weathering level, source area and tectonic environments were interpreted by using petrographic and geochemical characteristics of Eocene age sandstones found in the eastern Pontides. The thickness of Eocene age clastic rocks in the eastern Pontides ranges from 195 to 400 m. Mineralogical components of sandstones were mainly quartz, feldspar, rock fragments, and opaque and accessory minerals. Depending on their matrix and mineralogical content, Eocene age sandstones are identified as arkosic arenite - lithic arenite and feldspathic wacke - lithic wacke. CIA (Chemical Index of Alteration) values observed in the Eocene age sandstones (43-55) suggest that the source terrain of the sandstones was not affected by intense chemical weathering. Low CIW/CIA (Chemical Index of Weathering/Chemical Index of Alteration) values of the sandstones studied here suggest only slightly decomposed material and having undergone little transport until final deposition. Zr/Hf, Th/Sc, La/Sc and CIA ratios are low and demonstrate a mafic source; on the other hand, high LREE/HREE ratios and a slightly negative Eu anomaly indicate a subordinate felsic source. Modal mineralogical and SiO[2]/Al[2]O[3] and K[2]O/Na[2]O and Th, Zr, Co, Sc of Eocene age sandstone contents indicate that they are probably magmatic arc originated and deposited in the back arc basin.

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