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Поисковый запрос: (<.>K=месторождения бората<.>)
Общее количество найденных документов : 1

    Kocak, I.
    Major and trace element geochemistry of the Bigadic borate deposit, Balikesir, Turkey [Text] / I. Kocak, S. Koc // Геохимия. - 2012. - № 11. - С. 1032-1057 : ил. - Библиогр.: с. 1056-1057 (35 назв.) . - ISSN 0016-7525
ББК 26.301
Рубрики: Геология
   Геохимия--Турция--Балыкесир, город

Кл.слова (ненормированные):
бораты -- месторождения бората -- микроэлементы -- геохимические тренды -- аргиллиты -- алевролиты -- туфы -- известняки -- полезные ископаемые -- рудные зоны -- физико-химические условия -- окружающая среда -- кальций -- магний -- кремний -- железо -- алюминий -- сера -- натрий -- фосфор -- марганец -- литий -- молибден -- сурьма -- мышьяк -- стронций -- селен
Аннотация: This study investigates the major and trace element geochemistry of Bigadic (Balikesir, Turkey) borate deposits, the largest colemanite and ulexite deposits in the world. The known borate deposits of Turkey were deposited in the lacustrine environment during Miocene when the volcanic activity occurred from Tertiary to Quaternary. All of the Turkish borate deposits are classified as volcanic related deposits. Boron ore deposits intercalated with claystone, mudstone, tufa and fine layered limestone show lens shape. Borate minerals formed in two zones. Tulu and Acep-Simav open mines represented the lower and upper borate zones, respectively. Colemanite and ulexite are dominant minerals at all ore zones. The major elements of Bigadic borates contain Ca, Si, Mg, Al, Fe, S, Na, P and Mn at Tulu, Ca, Na, Si, Mg, S, Al, P and Mn at Simav, and Ca, Na, Si, Mg, S, Al and Mn at Acep samples respectively. Except for Li, Mo, Sb, As, Sr and Se, concentrations of other trace elements are significantly lower than averages of earth crust and andesite at the three mines. With respect to averages of earth crust and andesite, Mo, Sr, As, Li and particularly Se are enriched significantly in the Bigadic. In examining depth-dependent variations of major and trace elements, four element groups at the Tulu site and six element groups at the Simav and Acep sites were determined. Element abudances or element geochemical trends show differences at the Tulu, Simav and Acep mines. These differences can be explained by the diversity of physicochemical conditions in the deposition environment by the effect of differences at the recharge regime and source.

Доп.точки доступа:
Koc, S.

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