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Общее количество найденных документов : 2
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    Litvinchev, I.
    Calculating the Best Dual Bound for Problems with Multiple Lagrangian Relaxations [Text] / I. Litvinchev, M. Mata, S. Rangel // Известия РАН. Теория и системы управления. - 2010. - N 6. - С. 86-93. . - Библиогр.: c. 93 (15 назв. )
ББК 22.19
Рубрики: Математика
   Вычислительная математика

Кл.слова (ненормированные):
Лагранжева релаксация -- задачи оптимизации -- итерационные методы -- лучшее двойное ограничение -- двойное ограничение
Аннотация: There are often many ways in which a given problem can be relaxed in a Lagrangian fashion. It is not obvious a priori, which relaxation produces the best bound. Moreover, a bound may appear to be the best for a certain data set, while being among the worst for another problem instance. We consider here an optimization problem over the set of Lagrangian relaxations with the objective to indicate the relaxation producing the best dual bound. An iterative technique to solve this problem is proposed based on constraints generation scheme. The approach is illustrated by a computational study for a class of the two-stage capacitated facility location problem.

Доп.точки доступа:
Mata, M.; Rangel, S.

Имеются экземпляры в отделах: всего 1 : ч.з. (1)
Свободны: ч.з. (1)

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    Multiperiod Optimal Planning of Thermal Generation using Cross Decomposition [Text] / J. A. Marmolejo [et al. ] // Известия РАН. Теория и системы управления. - 2011. - N 5. - С. 109-120. . - Библиогр.: c. 120 (25 назв. )
ББК 32.96
Рубрики: Радиоэлектроника
   Автоматика и телемеханика

Кл.слова (ненормированные):
оптимальное планирование -- тепловая генерация -- лагранжева релаксация -- декомпозиционные методы -- методы декомпозиции -- перекрестное разложение -- Cross Decomposition
Аннотация: This work addresses the Multiperiod Optimal Planning of Thermal Generation (MOPTG). The model considered is based on a Unit Commitment Problem that has multiperiod character and determines the start up and shut down schedules of thermal plants considering the line capacity limits of transmission and line losses. The mathematical model is stated in the form of a Mixed Integer Non Linear Problem (MINLP) with binary variables. To reduce the computational time caused by the large number of time periods and electric generation nodes we apply the Generalized Cross Decomposition [1, 2]. The later exploits the structure of the problem to reduce solution time by decomposing the MOPTG into a primal subproblem, which is a Non Linear Problem (NLP), a dual subproblem, which is a MINLP, and a Mixed Integer Problem (MIP) called master problem. The approach is compared with Lagrangean Relaxation [3] and Generalized Benders Decomposition [4]. To demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed decomposition strategy we present numerical results obtained for three test systems. The computational experiments show the superiority of the Cross Decomposition approach.

Доп.точки доступа:
Marmolejo, J. A.; Litvinchev, I.; Aceves, R.; Ramirez, J. M.

Имеются экземпляры в отделах: всего 1 : ч.з. (1)
Свободны: ч.з. (1)

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